GPT Application Development and Reflections

July 31, 2023 · 4263 words · 21 min

In the past few months, it seems like we are in the midst of an AI revolution. Besides the well-known OpenAI ChatGPT, many novel, interesting, and practical AI applications have emerged, and using these applications has indeed boosted my productivity.

However, there seems to be a lack of comprehensive resources on GPT application development and its pathways. Therefore, I decided to compile some of my experiences and thoughts into a series, hoping to help others.

Vector Databases

July 15, 2023 · 4937 words · 24 min

You might have recently heard news like a startup focusing on vector databases securing millions in investment just after finishing their PPT, or an open-source vector database making headlines on Hackernews due to its simplistic code. Over the past few months, the development of AI applications has been booming, driving the entire AI tech stack, with vector databases being one of the hottest topics.

Recently, while developing an open-source projects, ChatFiles, I delved into vector databases. After gaining a general understanding of mainstream vector databases and search algorithms, I decided to compile this knowledge into an article to help others.